Friday, June 5, 2015



要幸福, 要快乐...其实很简单




Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Great Experience with Journalism's today!!
The launching day of MSA newspaper!! =D
within 8 weeks time....
we, as the newbies in the field of journalism...
learned to produce a newspaper from A to Z...
let's flash back to the 1st meeting with Dr. Zana...
we were required to gather in tutorial room 10 & 11
in the afternoon that the tutorial session of Communication & Society is cancelled...
some of us absent, some of us were late...and even some of us came later than Dr. Zana...
and the first thing we heard from her was...
attendance, problem of being punctual, and commitment...
for me...that was a long afternoon...XP

and then...
only we divided into 2 groups...
MSA n MSB...
and followed by briefing about Madah Samarahan...
forming our organization of a newspaper "company"...
and i guess...
we were passive for Dr. Zana that time...
as every person that was suggested refused to pick up the title of being the chief editor...
including myself...
new semester started and we met again on the 1st day of semester...
some of us were late and we were wanted to say sorry to everyone due to that...
and housekeeping started...
we have to be punctual for class, unless with reasonable reason,
we can only communicate in English during class, especially when we communicate with Dr. Zana...
the news we wrote have to be 'menguirkan'... that's the keyword  that we always heard in the class...
i can't really use to it at the 1st place...
but now...seems like everyone has coped into it very well...XP
[everyone will apologize whenever they are too!! And we like to use the word 'menguirkan'...=='']
after then everything started to progress...
meeting of leaders, departments and even with the other group...
news editing...advertising & marketing...non-news...
everyone was really busy that time...
stressed out for news writing and editing...
searching sponsors...
and also non-news materials...
after everything is done...
only layout started...
then everyone was stressed out for the layout again...
that's the real war...
page distribution have to be adjusted due to the number of news...
for english news... from 4 pages...
we increased to 7 pages due to the lacking of Malay news...
and then we have to put in as much news as we can...
and seriously....
that was not an easy job...
and lastly...the publishing...
due some technical problems from our side...[the layout that we did...still got some small mistake before dummy can be printed]
and also miscommunication with the publisher...
our launching was delayed...
from tuesday to today...
it's DONE!!^^
was the 1st time i felt the unity among us...
we work hard together, to succeed the event...
we play hard together, to enjoy ourselves...
for the 1st time...
i felt that we r really a big family...
although miscommunication occurs often...[even today also...==']
the sharing session was fun, impressed, and actually...
it's touching...and the same time it's grateful too...
leaders of departments shared their experiences,
members of MSA shared their feelings...
i dont really use to, 
i meant...i don't like to stand in front and share my feelings...
even during presentation, my hands and legs are always shaking...
same thing goes to today...
i don't know what to say in front of everyone...
so now...
wanna share something from the bottom of my heart...
it was really great to have the chance to work with you guys...
i think...through this project...
everyone knows each other better... =)
sorry if i had did or said something wrong all this while...
and thank you for everyone for everything that we had gone through...
Good Job Everyone!!^^
and now...
let's move forward and keep on maintain the harmonious in the class
forever and ever!! =D

Monday, October 28, 2013

Reset, and Move Forward

it has been sometimes that i logged in again here...
and this time...
i reset everything!!

gonna restart and move forward by throwing away the previous sadness away...
 peace ^^

imma in semester 3 now...
it's 2nd year...
time really flies...
everything back to student's life...
at least it's easier...
instead of chasing the target of a clinique consultant...

this semester is fulfilled with things that need to be done at the same time...
most of the time...
imma multi-tasking for things from different fields...
i study hard.
i play hard.
i work hard.
i sleep hard.

and i have back to the court ...
the basketball court...
after the LAST SUKMA...
i guess...
i'm ok now...

Kia Min...
let's move forward and face everything with smile...
peace~ =)