Monday, October 28, 2013

Reset, and Move Forward

it has been sometimes that i logged in again here...
and this time...
i reset everything!!

gonna restart and move forward by throwing away the previous sadness away...
 peace ^^

imma in semester 3 now...
it's 2nd year...
time really flies...
everything back to student's life...
at least it's easier...
instead of chasing the target of a clinique consultant...

this semester is fulfilled with things that need to be done at the same time...
most of the time...
imma multi-tasking for things from different fields...
i study hard.
i play hard.
i work hard.
i sleep hard.

and i have back to the court ...
the basketball court...
after the LAST SUKMA...
i guess...
i'm ok now...

Kia Min...
let's move forward and face everything with smile...
peace~ =) 

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